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Native American Health and Washington State

We find people all the time that are unaware that they have access to low cost/high benefit healthcare. The Native American Program is a good example on why we have talked about the ACA for nearly a decade. 

The Affordable Care Act improved healthcare quality and coordination. It included a permanent reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. It was designed to help prevention and improve wellness by increasing access to affordable health coverage.

If you are a member of a federally recognized tribe or Alaska Native Claim Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporation shareholders then you are qualified for the program. The Healthplanfinder will ask for proof of affiliation however we can help you upload a copy.

Marketplace Health Plans.

Washington is an expanded medicaid state so up to 138% of the federal poverty level then you are enrolled in Apple Health. These are comprehensive plans which means most services including dental are included. 

Between 138% and 300% of the federal poverty level then you can enroll in a "zero cost sharing" plan. It means after you pay your premiums then things like deductibles, copayments and coinsurance are covered by the plan. This makes plans very useable, very quickly. 

As a member, you can enroll in a marketplace health insurance at anytime, not just during open enrollment which starts November 1st every year. You can change plans once a month. We use the rule of 15 in Washington state. If you enroll prior to the 15th then your plan will start the 1st of the next month.  

Just wait there is more. 

Indian tribe members and ANCS shareholders also have special protections and benefits under Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

In Washington State, there are 29 federally recognized tribes. 28 of the tribes contract their funding from IHS. 3 site sin Washington host IHS run health programs. They are.

1. The Colville Health Center in Nespelem

2. The Yakama Tribal Clinic in Toppenish.

3. The Spokane Tribal Clinic in Wellpinit. 

In addition, there are 3 Urban Indian Health Clinics.

1. Seattle Indian Health Board (SIHB) downtown Seattle

2. NATIVE Project in Spokane.

3. The Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest in Portland. 

It is your right as an AI/AN to use any Indian health, tribal, or urban Indian clinic. For health services at a location near you, contact the clinic to see if they’re accepting new patients. Map of Washington state tribes

We run the enrollment center in Wenatchee and help folks all over the state enroll and understand healthcare. You can find us on Facebook, on our website, attached with the Healthplanfinder or even check out our Podcast if you have an interest in small business. We do this without charging a fee. Give us a call or set the appointment and we will answer your questions. 


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