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Showing posts from July, 2020

Covid, Healthcare, Employment and the 2020 Recession

We are on the front lines at Suzie Health Solutions . When someone loses their job and needs healthcare then they come to us. We have been helping people with little or no money sign up for healthcare since 2013. We literally have our finger on the pulse of the economy and healthcare. We started seeing businesses adjust their income last fall. We knew that it was going to be rough because hard news is not the easiest to look at. Check out our podcast for more info. Well how did we get here? We were in trouble before Covid got a strong hold in the United States. 1. Our country's pandemic response was disassembled from the very beginning of the current administration. On Jan 13,2017, the Joint Obama-Trump transition team goes through a series of pandemic-scenarios. Most of the individuals are no longer with the administration. Funding and personnel are cut to key areas. 2. It has been politicized by the administration . Trump's tweets were bad and his rally'...

Going back to school with COVID? The further that we get into August and the higher the COVID 19 infected, the more that sending our kids back to school will be an issue. As parent's of a 14 year old, it maters to us will our kid be safe. What level of illness floating around is a reasonable risk? How can he get that needed social contact with out contracting something that can injure or even kill him? Everyone needs to follow what actions are occurring to help them find what is safe for their family. Let's start with the politicians. 1. There is a great conversation between Representatives Kim Schrier and Katherine Clark . If you have not heard of Rep Schrier then you should know that she is a Doctor and parent of an 11 year old so she is a good person to listen to, 2. It recently became an issue with Florida Lawmakers when it Senator Rick Scott reveled that his Grandkids were going with distance learning instead of traditional school. 3. Baron Trump will be dis...
A few people noticed the distinct lack of materials concerning masks and wearing them. This is a problem since Washington state businesses were required to  mask up July 7th . We just passed  3 million infected  will little signs of slowing down. Yes, this means if you are in public doing business and can not social distance then you need to have a mask on. These materials are designed to be shared and help out. We do not know if it is biological or environmental. It is impacting the  Latinx four times greater  than the white population.  Minorities in general are being impacted at a greater rate.   COVID 19 infects people of all ages.   If you don't die then it can have long term effects.  If you don't have a mask then feel free to stop by at  Suzie Health Solutions  and we have cloth masks to share until we run out. We are located at 1630 N Wenatchee Ave, Suite 18; Wenatchee, WA 98801. If you have questions about healthcare ...