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Time to talk about PEBB, SEBB, Health Insurance, and Medicare


At The Suzie at Wenatchee Insurance Agency, we can explain and assist in enrolling in Health and Medicare Insurance Plans. We are trained by the companies, have annual certificates for Medicare and the Healthplanfinder and hold licenses in Washington state. Annual Enrollment Periods are limited:

Enrollment Periods

Medicare is from October 1 through the 14 we can talk about the changes for the following year.  From October 15th through December 7th, we can enroll and make changes to Medicare plans. Note we do not work for company retirement plans such as PEBB or SEBB. We can assist with Medicare Plan D Prescription plans, Dental or alternatives.

Healthcare enrollment is from November 1st through December 15th for plans starting January 1st 2023. Since we have a state-run exchange, they can extend it like this year we have a bonus enrollment period from December 16th through January 15th for plans starting on February 1st, 2023.

We are not employees of the Healthcare Authority. The HCA is the largest purchaser of healthcare in the state. We are not paid by them to answer questions about the PEBB or SEBB Plans. They have never offered to contract with us for this service.

If you are preparing to retire, they offer monthly retirement webinars.

The 2023 PEBB Retiree Monthly Premiums can be found here.

The Medical Benefit Retirement tool can be found here.

The Healthcare Authority can be contacted here. They have an office in Olympia that doesn't take appointments. PEBB Benefits Services phone line is 1-800-200-1004

We can answer some basic questions for clients regarding outside policies however our focus is on Medicare, Apple Health, Health Insurance and Property Insurance customers. Being a family run business with set deadlines, we have limited resources available.

We do take appointments here. 



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